50 Caliber Bullet USMC Crayon Ration | 3D Printed | Gift for Marine | Marine Corps | made by an official hobbyist of the USMC; License number 36323
Dimensions: 5.5 inches by 0.86 inches
Material: Durable PLA Silk plastic
Great gift for all you crayon eaters!
Attention Marines! Gear up for chow time with the all-new USMC Emergency Ration dispenser!
This hilarious 3D printed replica of a .50 caliber bullet is actually a secret weapon… against hunger pangs! Unscrew the top to reveal a random color crayon, ready to fuel your next coloring operation.
The perfect gag gift for any Marine with a legendary sense of humor (and a fondness for the finer things in life, like crayons).
WATCH VIDEO TO SEE HOW TO USE:,du_15,q_auto:good/file_fycxsb.mp4